Barbenheimer Your Business

A strong brand voice is a great way to connect with your clients. But the recent Barbenheimer phenomenon shows what can happen when two powerful brand voices come together. And it offers lessons for every business about partnerships.

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BrandingCharles Herold
Spotlight on Archetypes: The Creator

A recent Pinterest ad campaign says to cross out your doubts and just Do.

Since we use brand archetypes in our Reveal Your Brand process, I’m always noticing it when brands use archetypes powerfully out in the world. And with their bright, colorful NYC subway ads this past fall, Pinterest did an incredible job of bringing the Creator brand archetype to life. 

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Blogging for Humans, Not SEO Overlords

For many years, marketing gurus have advised small business owners and solopreneurs to blog for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). And it’s true that adding expert content containing the right keywords to your website can persuade our Google overlords that you’re an authoritative source who deserves a higher rank in search results. But over-focusing on SEO can also result in a lot of keyword-driven content that lacks personality and human connection. 

SEO isn’t close to being the only reason to blog. There’s a lot of power in blogging, and here’s how you can use it to help your business. 

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ChatGPT is Great at Brainstorming … and Plagiarizing Dr. Seuss!

It’s understandable that some students are asking it to write their essays and some businesses are asking it to write their blog posts. It’s free, so why not!?

But while ChatGPT is a lot of fun, and can be genuinely helpful in some aspects of content creation, it’s important to understand what it does well and what it does very, very badly.

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Charles Herold
Chick Magnets and Beer: What The Simpsons' Duff Beer Can Teach Us About Branding

As branding specialists, we at Pearl Consulting NYC would first like to congratulate Duff Beer on understanding the importance of branding. Kudos! It’s essential to find a message that will resonate with consumers, and that message sometimes needs to be updated, refreshed, rejiggered, or dropped into a wood chipper. But Duff Beer didn’t do a great job of refreshing its brand

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Charles Herold
Your Brand Voice Matters - Here’s How To Find It

Branding is an important component of business success, yet many people only have a vague notion of what it is. When we speak with potential clients and ask them if they’ve done any branding work, they usually reply “Oh, I’ve gotten someone to create a logo and have some colors picked out for the website.” But a logo is just one way to communicate your brand message.

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BrandingLaurel Carpenter