Spotlight on Archetypes: The Creator

Pinterest ad - floral billboard

A recent Pinterest ad campaign says to cross out your doubts and just Do.

Since we use brand archetypes in our Reveal Your Brand process, I’m always noticing it when brands use archetypes powerfully out in the world. And with their bright, colorful NYC subway ads this past fall, Pinterest did an incredible job of bringing the Creator brand archetype to life. 

Here’s how they did it


Each negative self-statement (aka pain point) is crossed out and paired with a vibrant visual of each person actually doing the thing they thought they couldn’t do:

I’m not man enough to pull off florals paired with someone of unknown gender using a shaver to carve circular patterns into their bright, colorful hair. 

I look like a highlighter next to a young person of ambiguous ethnicity vividly dressed in neon-bright clothing.

I barely managed to make that birdhouse in third grade alongside a brown person in a tank top hammering together an impressively professional bookshelf.

If it isn’t perfect, what’s the point? beside a melanated hand decorating a giant cake with colorful, chaotic drips of frosting.

None of their faces are fully visible in the ads, but they’re using a variety of skin tones and ambiguous gender identities that allow us to more easily relate.

As an NYC resident, it takes a lot for me to stop and pay attention. But I stopped and photographed nearly every Pinterest ad I saw on the subway this fall - even if I was in a hurry to get somewhere else!

Are You a Creator?


The Creator brand archetype, also known as the Maker, Artist, or Visionary, encourages us to stop and imagine that we all have creators inside of us.

You’re a Creator if:

  • You believe that if it can be imagined, it can be built. 

  • You always want to find a new and original way to do something.

  • You make others feel amazed AND inspired to emulate you.

  • You use language that inspires people to express themselves creatively and stirs their desire to create something themselves. 

  • Your brand colors are bright and loud - rainbow, neon, fuschia, orange, yellow, blue. 

This ad, while clearly targeted at a diverse Gen-Z audience, was also very appealing to me as a Gen-Xer who loves making things and wants to see more diversity in advertising. I was amazed and inspired myself!

PS, notice that their tagline is simply “Pinterest. Do.” It reminds me of Nike’s famous “Just Do It” tagline, but with a new twist.

Branding can be so much fun! 

Archetype-curious? Take our quiz and find yours.